To whom it may concern,
Attached please find some of my 
creative work. I hope you enjoy it.


Doan Roessler is a zen priest and bassist and bass teacher. He began practicing and studying Zen Buddhism in 1994 at Minnesota Zen Meditation Center with Shohaku Okumura. He was ordained by Shohaku Okumura in 2013 and served as shuso at Ryumonji during the Winter 2017 ango.

Doan is a longtime student of François Rabbath and holds both the teaching and performance diplomas from the International Rabbath Institute. He has performed throughout the U.S. and France at festivals, bars, theaters, coffee shops, and churches. Doan is the founder of the Twin Cities Bass Camp, and has served on faculty of the Kansas City Bass Workshop, the Rochester Bass Retreat, the Austin Bass Workshop, the Albuquerque Bass Workshop, Minnesota State University (Moorhead and St. Cloud), St. Joseph's School of Music and as a clinician for young bassists at the International Society of Bassists convention.

Doan lives in Minnesota with his wife, son, daughter, dog, and a tortoise.